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Free Formative Assessment

Sample Case Study Question

A 24 year old male client with a history of asthma reports to the emergency department with complaints of shortness of breath after an excessive work out. He reports using his albuterol rescue inhaler three times in the past hour with no relief. Oxygen saturation is 87% on RA: B/P 145/74, HR 100, Temp 97.7, Resp 24: Bilat lung sounds noted with expiratory scattered wheezes, increased Work Of Breathing noted. Laboratory values Hgb-11, Hct-24,  WBC 5,000, RBC 5.7, NA 138, K 3.7. Client reports dry cough,  history of smoking, and allergy to Penicillin (anaphylactic reaction). The ER nurse knows that the following intervention(s) is/are appropriate for this client in asthma exacerbation.

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